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Sunday, May 7, 2017

What We Need

What We Need 5-6-17 183 words

I do not need your anger, I do not need your blame,
I do not need accusations intended to drive me totally insane,
I already have my demons alive and living well
inside all my worst fears in my personal living hell

all the hurts held so tight inside my little childlike brain,
carried from the distant times when monsters ruled the Cane,
carried from an ancient place farther than the farthest shore,
as surely as Adam left the garden to go back nevermore,

who can measure my memories buried so deep in my twisted dna,
or whether I have to flee or fight, to live another day,
all my stored up terror from eluding all my foes,
all my rage and violence that ended with brutal blows,

so save me from your ceaseless scowl and all of your disdain,
try to find a quieter place free from fear and pain,
where we can find some sweetness and remember why we're here,
where we can remember all the reasons we once found our love so dear.