is Only an Idea or Chasing a Dream
words 12-1-2016
we live on the cusp
of a wave of human hope
the rolling lip of
monumental energy welling up,
from a source deep
under what is visible to our eyes,
and the crest of
this silent force assumes a sinewy shape,
containing an
undeniable strength and resiliency we recognize,
and call our own
without regard to it's true nature,
and we live fully
formed on this moving edge,
but without the
x-ray vision of a superhero or a simple soul,
we forget that the
monumental energy is not exactly us,
but a natural and
super-natural magnetism beyond our imagination,
and because we have
no words and no ability and no way to name it,
we invent a million
ways to give shape to what we cannot describe;
we start communities
and churches and organizations trying to symbolize
the ineffable and
indescribable and utterly impalpable gift,
we have been given:
to live, to witness,
to share, to connect,
to touch the vibrant
part of the living energy we are a part of,
but cannot put our
finger on or find a way to wrap our minds around,
because we are only
a small part and our vista is truly limited,
regardless and
thoughtless and clueless we wander over the interior landscape
of our fearful and
desolate imaginations, bereft of a Sense,
that we belong here,
inextricably rooted,
tied to a golden
miracle by a million silken strands,
woven seamlessly
joining us to everything there is,
and to the ultimate
secret and silent source of the Big Om,
the big breath we
all breathe,
the yearning we
share with each other to find God,
and have a communion
with what is sacred and holy,
in our spiritual and
most sensual intercourse with each other.
So thank you America
and God Bless the Spirit of all those seekers of brotherhood,
and seekers of
community, and those who have tried to do the right thing
and hold the love of
God and their brothers in their hearts.