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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Spirit Ride

Spirit Ride            11-2-16              333 words

You know I 'm trying, Lord, You know I care,
about my brothers and the state of all we share,
I know I do not exist alone for I see my real condition,
I am one of countless ones who live by Your volition,

You brought us here to witness, You brought us here to see,
Your golden world of precious life and all the ways to be,
Alive to this miracle of yearning in our struggle to define,
what living life means for us when we are blind to Your design,

What we do is often clueless or blinded by the Light,
of our self-delusion and denial of Your Great Web Sight,
for we see all things with our paltry minds, with our tiny brains,
we forget to see the divinity in the gift of simple rains,

we forget to see the Divinity which surrounds us day by day,
we take it all for granted or explain it all away,
as long as Earth keeps spinning and the rains fall on the ground,
we go about our modern life and never stop to hear the sound,

of the whirring humming birds and the buzzing of the bees,
the silent bark and breathing of our brother trees,
the majestic life of soil and the magic of shit made pure,
the silent sprouting of simple seed so life can simply endure,

yes, we take it all for granted that there is life on this third rock,
a life full of intention and the desire You pack into the crock,
So all of us could taste the ecstasy of holy communion with another,
and take our place in Your Holy Dance of one father and one mother,

and when we see the unholy truth of all the ways we work,
that life conspires to continue in spite of Man berserk,
do we not sometimes wonder, do we not really care,
at the end of this Spirit ride, and no longer imbibe Your Air.