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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Prayer of Pride

Prayer of Pride    - or -      Coming into Birth
440 words

have I not wrestled mightily with You, Oh Lord, Oh Great Spirit,
in my pride of my strength, thinking that I could demonstrate to You,
how strong I am, and how earnestly I have searched for Your Truth,
what I forgot was:
You already know what You have created,
You were always with me, guiding me to Your Path,
silently guiding me in Your gentle ways, teasing me forward,

And I forgot You have written me in Your golden book of Life,
You called forth my name singing Your constant Song of Love,
And You watched over me as I was born, just as You blessed my Mother,
and gave her Your calm wisdom,
and her eyes were open as she birthed me as the sun came up,
and I was her first born and it happened on a Sunday and I was holy….

because it is a miracle that life is reborn from generation to generation,
just part of Your Constant Miracle to renew us, for we are Your Melody,
we are a part of the symphony of all Life You have brought forth,
on this great and tiny world, each part a note of music,
a time signature in an unending tune,
a golden gong resonating through the silence of space,
a small and great shout of joy as You celebrate Spirit being aware of itself,
being aware that only Your Spirit animates this Universe,

Your breath in our bodies, Your sacred water and blood coursing through us,
now rushing now gathering in sacred places, but always in motion, never still
as You swirl Your currents of Air and Fire and Earth and Water around us,
and through us, anointing us and bathing us with Your Glory,
carrying us buoyantly suspended in Your rollicking Sea of Spirit and Longing
a wave of divine energy breaking on the shore, cresting and falling,
gathering strength and spending itself over and over,
until with our final crashing breath, we return to Your dark matrix,
return again to the invisible part of the electro-magnetic spectrum,
Your Infinite Energy pulsing through the orbits of planets and stars,
dying and being born in the dark and light dance of Your Constant Creation,
and all this I sense, being born into a world of warmth and light,
a world of noise and tumult, a journey traveled by feel and touch,
like a blind man, the tactile world bends to the pressure of my strong hands,
and also to the pressure of my longing to be joined with You, Lord.