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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Hanging by a Thread

Hanging by a Thread              5-11-2017         771 small words

                        or I keep putting it out there, but no one's picking it up

Oh, My Brothers, Oh My Sisters, How much we take for granted !
What a foolish creature is Man ! To see only with our eyes
the surface of our world and think we know this reality,
because we can touch it and measure it,
because we can feel the hard and soft texture of it,
and we can feel the weight of the physical objects around us,
as we go about our day….always thinking what we see and can prove,
is the sum total of reality, 

BUT what we do not see and what our very sensitive senses cannot detect is actually the greater part:
the dark matter of our souls, the intangible truth of what we feel,
the part of ourselves that we cannot measure or quantify,
because it is the Spirit of Life; 
and there is no test that can put a number on Your divine Spirit,
and there is no laboratory which can measure your desire or your yearning,
for those who vainly think that Science can provide the only answers we need,

 please take another look, and please tell me what was in your Mother's heart when she birthed you,
when she lovingly caressed and calmed your cries, when only her touch would soothe your raging need to know you were loved and safe,
and this loud, sharp world of cold thought could be softened
by the the precious gift, the benediction of knowing care was involved.

And not knowing care makes us terror filled, and nervous, and puts us out of synch with the music,  the harmony that underlies all things, 
the invisible part of the electro-magnetic spectrum of Divine energy
that was planted long ago and hard-wired in our circuitry to feel love,
and to want to feel love, and yes to give love and kindness, and let our
sisters and brothers know, we are with them in our Spirits, 
in our desire to join in a greater truth, to bond covalently with life,
in the true connection that joins all of us back to our dark origins,
at the beginning of our Time on Planet Earth, back beyond the capacity
of our memories to remember because it is too long ago, 
and there are no memory banks large enough to store all that data, 
except for short memories stored in our long DNA, twisted and folded and wound round our cells,
the cells of our lives scribed by an intention beyond our conscious thought,
and only in our dreams, the ultimate realm of our most real feelings and knowings, 
do we weave our Technicolor desires into a cohesive whole and make sense of our primeval knowledge that there is a lighted world beyond our everyday perceptions;   what is real is what we feel,  
but what is real is also the priceless gift that we are imbued with Spirit as well as flesh, and maybe-
Spirit is the greater part, 
because you cannot separate out the Word from the story, the intention from your tale, and your story, your tale is woven with the story of all life and you are not separate from all the life which flows around you, 

One Life, One Spirit, one dream as light as a mote of dust,
the nuclear density infinitely small and infinitely large, 
and by any real measurement of Man, ultimately immeasurable by our senses, 
by whatever we can detect on the surface,
 and only palpable to our sense of wonder when we stop analyzing the Gift, 
 stop cutting it into ever smaller pieces, 
and announcing with our paltry rationality, we have 'discovered' a new particle of matter, 
which will explain our true heritage, 
and will explain our true Origin, 
and will explain the quantity of Time in the Universe, 
and all the time we miss the important thing: 
we are here to love each other and care for the precious and priceless gift given to us, to revere the Spirit of something without a name, to hold it in awe, 
and to 'see' “It”, not as material and prove-able, but as weighty as the mass of the darkest black hole, everything part of a longing to connect with the greater part, the greater truth:
we are joined in a mystery and on a spiritual journey, and how we treat each other while we have the opportunity to touch and feel the physical is a test of our true wisdom, and tells the story of how we weave the thread of our meaning.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

What We Need

What We Need 5-6-17 183 words

I do not need your anger, I do not need your blame,
I do not need accusations intended to drive me totally insane,
I already have my demons alive and living well
inside all my worst fears in my personal living hell

all the hurts held so tight inside my little childlike brain,
carried from the distant times when monsters ruled the Cane,
carried from an ancient place farther than the farthest shore,
as surely as Adam left the garden to go back nevermore,

who can measure my memories buried so deep in my twisted dna,
or whether I have to flee or fight, to live another day,
all my stored up terror from eluding all my foes,
all my rage and violence that ended with brutal blows,

so save me from your ceaseless scowl and all of your disdain,
try to find a quieter place free from fear and pain,
where we can find some sweetness and remember why we're here,
where we can remember all the reasons we once found our love so dear.