The reason for the
fubar, the reason for why we fuss,
can be found in old
false fables, can be found deep inside of us,
we were taught by
other humans, to fear and follow half digested truth,
we did not know any
better, than to act and be uncouth,
we were taught to
follow leaders who promised us the moon,
what we did not know
and learned too late, is life's over much too soon,
we were taught to
use our senses, and the evidence of our eyes,
and we forget to
feel what our hearts tell us, and the wonder of the skies,
we were taught to
think thin thoughts untrue, like we are very smart,
but we never learned
enough about, how life is not like Art,
we never learn the
simple truth to simply love life as it is,
and love ourselves
in spite of flaws, and to see past all the biz,
we were taught to
pile up treasure, and fear those who may rob our hoard,
when everything is
shared by us, we'll no longer need our sword,
but that is for a
future time, when every one has the heart,
to see that life's
just a song we sing, and everyone has a part,
our froggy, croaky
chorus echoes down more than we can describe,
for we have no
memory of when we were all part of just one tribe,
yes, life is short,
intense, and sweet, and the vision that we view,
what we think we
see, we often misconstrue,
we are part of
something that is more than a big machine,
if you take a moment
to see the truth, you might know what I mean,
but listen not to
what I tell you, listen not to what others say,
you alone possess
the answers that will let you cross the bay,
you alone possess
the key to unlock any door,
once you learn to
let fear go, and learn what life is really for.